What’s New in Android Studio 2.1

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Title : What’s New in Android Studio 2.1
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What’s New in Android Studio 2.1

RETO MEIER: All thegreat speed improvements of Android 2.

0and everything you need to be able to take fulladvantage of the Android N Developer Preview, plus a bunchof bug fixes and stability improvements.

I'm Reto Meier, it'sAndroid Tool Time time, and this is Android Studio 2.


[MUSIC PLAYING] Installing theAndroid N Preview SDK requires Android Studio 2.


As well as N-specificbug fixes, it also supports the N DeveloperPreview emulator, system images.

It also allows you touse the new Jack compiler but note that Jack doesn'tcurrently support Instant Run.

Jack does support manyJava 8 language features such as lambda expressions.

Our lambda implementationuses anonymous classes, making their usebackwards compatible.

If you targetAndroid N, Jack also supports default andstatic interface methods, repeatable annotations,and method references, though they are notbackward compatible.

Android Studio 2.

1includes speed improvements to Instant Run, makingit significantly faster.

For instance, to reducecompilation time, the incremental Java[INAUDIBLE] feature is now enabled by default.

If you'veallocated enough memory to the Gradle Daemon, we alsoenabled dexing in process by default, which performsdexing within the build process rather than a separate,external VM process.

Aside from these features,Android Studio 2.

1 also includes a number ofbug fixes and stability improvements, especiallyfor users with the Android N Preview SDK installed.

FEMALE SPEAKER: You know, thelast time Android Studio did a point update withmainly bug fixes, it was right beforea major release.


Yeah, I guess you're right.

FEMALE SPEAKER: And rightbefore a pretty big developer conference and isn'tGoogle I/O coming up? RETO MEIER: Yeah.

May 18.

May 18.

It's just a coincidence, though.

I wouldn't readtoo much into it.

FEMALE SPEAKER: Sure, right.

So can we look in the box? RETO MEIER: I'd reallyprefer it if you didn't.

Upgrade to Android Studio 2.

1to play with the new Android N Developer Preview,get faster Instant Run and take advantage of a bunchof bug fixes and stability improvements.

This is Android Studio 2.

1, andthis is Android Tool Time time.


Thus Article What’s New in Android Studio 2.1

That article What’s New in Android Studio 2.1 This time, hopefully we can give you all of the benefits. Well, I'll see you in another article post.

You now read the article What’s New in Android Studio 2.1 the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/11/whats-new-in-android-studio-21.html

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