Title : Tutorial: Tener dos cuentas de WhatsApp en Android [Sin Root] [2016/2017]
link : Tutorial: Tener dos cuentas de WhatsApp en Android [Sin Root] [2016/2017]
Tutorial: Tener dos cuentas de WhatsApp en Android [Sin Root] [2016/2017]
What YouTube friends? He speaks Ronal Ortiz, now coming with a new video tutorial, in which we will learn how to have a multiaccounting in our WhatsApp application, not simply be WhatsApp, can be any type Application Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, any type of application.
Can be both social network like any type of application you have installed on our mobile device.
OK, let's start.
Ok friends, before you start with this video Notably, it does not need to be superuser, or anything like that we will simply install an application that can be found in the Google Play in our Android Play Store We entered the Play Store This is the application that will allow us to manage two accounts each application, not just a social network, such as mentioning them came from the outset in the video, but with any type of application, only in this case, we will make the example with the application of WhatsApp Parallel is an application that does not weigh much does not exceed 4MB, then they recommend and It is too good.
Ok time we have installed, we open it so normal.
Well, once open Parallel Space can see that is a ordinary application with your options and so normal, your buttons and when we have open we will go to the first button we see in the bottom of our screen here in this, "Clone Apps" tells us Here we will leave a list of applications that we use in our daily lives which therefore would be as normal as social networks or email.
Depending on what you most use.
Today we do the example with the application of WhatsApp, then we will clone the application WhatsApp, the touch, simply pressed.
And here it has appeared to us application of us, they may notice is enclosed as in a circle.
Come on Pressing this application He says "Starting the second WhatsApp account".
We may note that this is something Supremely fast.
No need to be root, you do not need our unlocked, or anything like that, simply having a system application we can find in Google Play.
Ok, here we notice is the new WhatsApp, may notice that here is my normal WhatsApp Here I have my Chats, I have my calls, I have my normal contacts ok, here in the new application we will give to accept and continue.
We will do everything from the beginning as we were checking our WhatsApp account all normal again.
It is recalled that need to have their Sim Card Chip or which has number will be checked, and your phone may seal Dual Sim, and why you want to do this, or you have another phone that does not have the ability to have WhatsApp, among other options Once we introduced the phone, the phone number, we give Next obviously, here I have the other phone where the Sim Card is inserted I'll wait I get the confirmation message so that it can introduce here in the application of WhatsApp.
Ok, the message has arrived.
It tells checking, does everything necessary, which is normal when an account is created WhatsApp or when he is going to enter the number of an account that is already created.
Okay Here I will give you Ignore to not create the backup.
appears my name, but it is actually the name of another Sim Card, another account "Following".
You can see that he starts initializing the application normal as if nothing down here and have the other account, which is to my normal WhatsApp You need to let you know that the application is still consuming what normally it consumes an application, ie as if we had another installed application, WhatsApp apart from other social network, any other.
Only that we double.
Here you can see me leaving Chats Contacts and calls it that just enter this account is not new, this account already exists, it is a friend, then I wanted to test with it.
They may notice that their Chats appear and everything, obviously the contacts remain the same as I have on my phone.
It can multitasking observe that divide and WhatsApp WhatsApp (Parallel) If we want this application out, ie, if you want to have on your desk, just We select it from Parallel and drag to "Create Shortcut" Once given there, we can see that it has created access to WhatsApp, the only difference is this in a box of colors and normal WhatsApp App the difference is the colors and the "+" that are at the end of the text (WhatsApp +) Here in the implementation of Parallel we can see that in the options brings us, for example if we want block notifications, if we want to get no such notifications application, we can.
Here that says Do Not Disturb or block notifications also have the possibility to give a password to Parallel as such for anyone into our accounts second only to that we can get us safely.
It shows the task manager, which tells us As space is utulizando Parallel RAM Space.
Parallel storage that is as such that tells us how much space is spending the application Among other configurations more.
Ok friends, as they have viewed that's all, I hope the aid has served this video, a short video WhatsApp quice explain them, you can do it with the application you want You can use it with Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, any application that have on your device, it may be games or what you Dessen.
Remember that I leave my social networks down there in the description or I have also left here video, so please follow me on social networks if you want to be more attentive new video, you can subscribe, you do me the questions you want in there abajito comments I was answering the'll then tell me how your experience with Parallel and therefore we will in the near video-tutorial friends, talk to them Ronal Tutorials PC.
No no no, Ronal Ortiz;).
Thus Article Tutorial: Tener dos cuentas de WhatsApp en Android [Sin Root] [2016/2017]
You now read the article Tutorial: Tener dos cuentas de WhatsApp en Android [Sin Root] [2016/2017] the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/05/tutorial-tener-dos-cuentas-de-whatsapp.html
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