APK Analyzer: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive

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APK Analyzer: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive

WOJTEK KALICINSKI: I lovewell-optimized apps, especially apps with small APK size, whichmakes downloads and updates faster for users.

That's why I wasvery excited when a new tool foranalyzing APK issues was added in Android Studio.

It's called the APK Analyser,and you can launch it by clicking AnalyseAPK in the Build menu or by dragging anAPK into the editor.

These can be files built fromyour project or even APKs that you don't havethe sources for.

When selecting an APK file.

Make sure you opena release build or a debug build withoutInstant Run instrumentation, which you can obtain by goingthrough Build, Build APK.

You can check if an APK containsInstant Run instrumentation by confirming the presenceof an Instant Run zip file in the archive.

Now let's go through themain screen of the analyser.

On the top here you cansee some basic information about your app, such as thepackage name and version along with the row, APK size,and an estimated download size.

This may be smaller thanksto compression applied by the Play Store in transit.

Below, you can see alist of files and folders in the APK sorted in descendingorder according to size.

This is extremelyuseful when you're trying to track down low-hangingfruit for optimizing your app size such asunoptimized drawables or uncompressed audio files.

You can also see therelative percentage of total download sizeof each asset or folder in the rightmost column.

The APK Analyser alsohas a detail view that's used for showing file content.

It works with severaltypes of files.

You can preview XMLresources such as layouts in their originalhuman readable form.

This also includesthe Android manifests.

So you can check outexactly what values were used when building the app.

You can also browsethe full resource table that was compiledinto the resources.

Arc file.

This contains a listof strings and styles for all research configurationsdefined in the app.

And finally, the analysercontains a DEX file browser letting you inspect packages,classes, and method signatures to check for any errorsresulting from using ProGuard or MultiDex Andspeaking of MultiDex, every DEX file also showsa handy reference counter that tells you how close youare to the 64K limit per file.

The APK Analyseris a great source of actionableinformation when trying to decide where to startoptimizing your app size.

And after you makeyour changes, you can compare the newversion of your APK with a previous one usingthe Compare With action so you can check howmuch space you gained and if there areany regressions.

I strongly recommend youcheck out our article on reducing APK size ondevelopersandroid.

Com and give the analyser a spin.

Thanks for watchingand if you want to learn more about AndroidStudio and Android development, click on one of the videos here.


Thus Article APK Analyzer: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive

That article APK Analyzer: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive This time, hopefully we can give you all of the benefits. Well, I'll see you in another article post.

You now read the article APK Analyzer: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/05/apk-analyzer-android-tool-time-deep-dive.html

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