Title : Android Tutorial 15 # RecyclerView with CardView Android Studio 2.1
link : Android Tutorial 15 # RecyclerView with CardView Android Studio 2.1
Android Tutorial 15 # RecyclerView with CardView Android Studio 2.1
welcome back guys today i'm going to show you the use of RecyclerView and CardView Recycler view and card view introduced in material desing Recycle view is the new level of list view ,it work as a grid view as well Layout manager define the property of Recycler will act as list or grid view Linear Layout Manager for list Grid Layout Manager to get GridView Adapter is used to display datasets as a child view of Recycler View RecyclerView and CardView from android support library V7 We must have to asign the layout manager before we are going to displaying CardView CardView having property of x,y and z using the elevation we can define the z direction height we must add these dependency to the gradle file to work with this views sync it before using i'm going to add new activity to test Recycler view with CardView we can create Activity directly from the menu we can choose the activity type , witch will include activity to manifest file as well Adding Recycler view with the size of full screen adding Id to accress it form the Activity creating object for the created Recycler view by using the id witch is we assigned in the layout file of this Activity adding layout manager to the recycler view now we need to create adapter for the recycler view implement necessary methods by pressing Alt+Enter creating ViewHolder Patern as well navigate to error , then press Alt+Enter we need to create layout for child views as well changing the height of the child view to wrap content witch is going to occupy the necessary needed by the view Alt+Enter Alt+Enter form ViewHolder, we need to inflate child layout witch we create now this is the good practice to inflate child view layout item count is the count of child we are going to diaplay here we are going to use CardView as the child's view of the RecyclerView content padding is the margin between Cardview border and it's child view let's run and test we need to wrap the child content, otherwise each child will take the height of the screen as it's height not it's displaying well instead of LinearLayout manager i'm going to add Grid Layout Manager GridLayout Manager with the column count accessing child view elements from adapter to change it's property line changeing it's name, or access it's behavior line onClick while binding the child view to the recycler view we can accress child element to change based on it's data for now i'm going to display the position of the child changing the GridLayoutManager span count here i'm using list of string as my dataset sending the dataset to the adapter changing the child item count is the count of dataset wile binding changing the date form dataset by using the position adding on click listener for the child on click is working file we need to get the position as well to get to know witch item is actually clicked getAdapterPostion() will return the position of the item, witch was clicked working fine Thanks for Watching guys if you are having doubt don't forgot to comment it.
Thus Article Android Tutorial 15 # RecyclerView with CardView Android Studio 2.1
You now read the article Android Tutorial 15 # RecyclerView with CardView Android Studio 2.1 the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/10/android-tutorial-15-recyclerview-with.html
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