Title : Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive
link : Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive
Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive
SPEAKER: Configuringthe Android Emulator is easy with the AVDwizard in Android Studio.
It offers default settings foroptimal Emulator performance.
If you want to double-check yourAVDS are configured correctly and your machine can runthem with full hardware acceleration, followthese few steps.
First of all, check that yourCPU supports the required virtualization extensions.
On Windows and Mac, onlyIntel VTX is supported, and the necessary virtualizationsoftware from Intel is available through the SDKmanager inside Android Studio.
On some machines, VTXis disabled by default.
In that case, please referto your motherboard or laptop manual on how to enable it.
If you're using Linux,both the Intel VTX and the AMDVvirtualization technologies are supported through KVM.
In our documentationpages, linked below, we provide informationon how to check if KVM is installed in your system.
Now that we have the mostdifficult part out of the way, let's go through theAVD creation process.
On the first screen,select a device skin that you'd like touse for development.
If you don't havea high-end GPU, you might benefit fromchoosing a device with a lower resolution.
You can always change thesize later by editing the AVD.
Next, choose the system image.
There are three importantguidelines for this step.
Choose one of the more recentreleases with a higher API level number, as thosecontain the newest fixes and optimizations.
Mak, sure you'reselecting an x86 image, and also one marked ashaving Google APIs, which means you'll be able to testapps that make use of Google Play Services or integrate withsome core apps such as Google Maps.
On the last step, you canselect from different graphics acceleration modes,but leaving it on Auto should detect yourGPU capabilities and select the best mode to run.
If you're havingproblems, it's best to always make sure thatyour graphics drivers are up to date.
You can read moreabout the various GPU settings in our documentation,also linked in the description.
If you encounter any bugswhen running the Emulator, please read the AndroidStudio bug finding process and report them usingthe Issue Tracker.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Thanks for watching,and if you want to learn more about AndroidStudio and Android development, click on one of the videos here.
Thus Article Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive
You now read the article Setting up the Android Emulator: An Android Tool Time Deep Dive the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/07/setting-up-android-emulator-android.html
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