Title : How to build your Android app?
link : How to build your Android app?
How to build your Android app?
In this lesson I will show you how to buildyour android app.
Go to the publishsubmission Android menu of your back end.
Here I cannot start to build my Android appbecause some elements are missing I'm going to uploadwhat's needed.
We're going to build the Android app byourselves but if you want you can ask our team to do it for you.
A few words about the GoodBarber Takes Careoption.
If you take it, we will build the app usingyour credentials as a developer and then wewill submit the app on the store for you.
If you takethe option will do the job for iOS and for Android.
Let's begin the submission there arethree possible paths and you need to choose the right one before you begin sohere it's the first time this app will be available on Google Play so I choose thefirst path.
When choosing this path I jump directly tostep number three because what's needed in step number 2 and step number1 has been automatically created by GoodBarber.
To continue the process I need now to connect to the Google consolefor developers.
I start by creating a new project once the project has been created check that you've been redirected to it.
Look for your project number in one of those boxes and copy it.
Go to your back end and paste your project number.
We are now going to activate some Google APIs to be used with our Android app.
In the Google console, click on enable and manage API.
Let's enable the first API, it's Google Maps Android API Click "enable".
Let's enable the Google Cloud Messaging API.
You're redirected to another Google service called Firebase.
Go to the console and import the Google project you've just created.
Go back to the Google console and check that the Google Cloud Messaging API has been activated.
Let's activate the last API we need, it's the YouTube data API and we're done Our 3 APIs are enabled, we can now move to the next step.
We'renow going to create keys to use the Google APIs.
Be sure during those steps to copy and paste the correct keys inside your GoodBarber backend.
Go to the credentials menuin your Google console.
Two keys are already created by Google.
We're going to set the parameters for the server key.
Edit the name just to leave server key and under "key restriction" choose IP addresses.
Goback to your GoodBarber back end, copy the first IP, paste it in the Google console,copy the second one paste it and save your changes.
Copy your server key and paste it into your GoodBarber backend.
Click Next.
Edit now the second key that has been created automatically by Google Edit the name for Android key.
Under "key restriction" choose Android app.
Click the + to add a package name and a fingerprint, you can find this information in your GoodBarber back end.
And save your changes.
Copy your Android key and paste it into the GoodBarber backend.
Everything is ready now to build your Android app.
My Android app has been built.
Open this link from your Android phone andyou'll be able to test it for real.
I hope you enjoyed this video and now you'll be able to build your Android apps very easily see you next time and meanwhile happy app building.
Thus Article How to build your Android app?
You now read the article How to build your Android app? the link address https://svedda79.blogspot.com/2016/04/how-to-build-your-android-app.html
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