Android Studio RecyclerView Step-by-Step Tutorial (Part 6) LayoutManager

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Title : Android Studio RecyclerView Step-by-Step Tutorial (Part 6) LayoutManager
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Android Studio RecyclerView Step-by-Step Tutorial (Part 6) LayoutManager

Hello everyone! My name is Oum Saokosal.

Today, we will take about android RecyclerView,about Layout Manager.

This is where you can find me.

YouTube, Oum Saokosal user.

Facebook, kosalgeek.

Twitter, okosal and some of the source codein github including my library in a good half kosalgeek.

So, we learnt in the previous tutorial thatwe could do the data from the database from my actual and we can go to the chase on andthen we add to an ArrayList and we went to Adapter.

And now, we can show up the data from thedatabase.

So, now, in this lesson, we will talk aboutLayoutManager.

Now, we want to talk about some of the newI.

Actually, the video is not going to be long.

It's not going to be hard to do that.

Now, we use the Linear Layout here.

We go to the main activity.

The Linear Layout.

If you want to show the linear layout, butmaybe you want to scroll in your line.

The top is the newest thing but let's seethe chart like, messaging you.

The messenger on Facebook or Line or Telegram.

You go to see the text ball at the bottom.

The newest next stage got to be at the bottomas well.

You want to do that as well.

So, first is the context.

The second one is the linear layout and it'scalled the vertical, from like, up and down.

And the third one is the true, it means thatyou're going to show up the full.

Let's run it.

Now, you see.

You have to run it from the start.

Stop and restart.

Then, you can see the results.

Now you see, notice at the top or at the bottom.

It reverse if you change the true.

If you want to change it to horizontal.

So, I think you can just run it.

You can just use the instant running.

Now, it's just reverse.

You can show up like this.

So, it's kind of like really strange but imaginethe app for Arabic, like they write from the left to right or they want to show the applicationlike that as well.

It's a good chance that you can just do it.

Change the code here, and you can change toanother layout.

You can change to Grid layout and here, youneed another option.

Just like, all time span like spend count.

But the number two is actually a number ofcolumn and maybe change the code false.

See that? Now, you can see two columns.

You want to change the orientation in thesame thing and you want to change to the reverse is also the same and then, you can have anotherone.


But it needs only two, the pen count and theorientation.

So, you don't need the contacts.

We don't need the reverse.

You cannot do reverse here.

The thing with it, number two and then, staggered,vertical.

So, I think it needs, this one, v7.

But we need to change that as well.

That's all.

And you will see Staggered is the Layout,quite the same to the website called Pinterest.

You cannot put in words.

The Layout is going to be on light green.

This one, maybe.

I need to change the height of the item aswell.

So, where is it? So, here we go.

We have match parent.

I put the sign as the same thing.

300 DP.

This is going to be match to the item.

This is the parent.

So here, the image, this is the text.

Let's see.

We're going to use the wrap content.

Well, let's call wrap content.

You need to change the height as well.

The height of the CardView here to wrap contentand the image to wrap content.

Then, you can show up like this thing.

This is very cool.

If you go to the internet and type Pinterest.

Not sure if you know it, but I think maybemost of you already noticed our website is a very good sign as well.

What's going on with my internet? Anyway, now, you can see that.

If you change to the rotation, like that.

Maybe if you know the code and you changeto the landscape code, then you can change the four.

Let's see that.

Wow! It's going to be forever on that.

What's going on? Okay, see that now? Now, the layout is like this.

It's very, very simple thing.


I hope that maybe your internet is betterthan mine and let's say you want to have more layout.

The Android RecyclerView only provide youwith three layout managers here.

The one with the linear layout, grid layoutand staggered grid layout.

Now, Pinterest.

See that? It's very, very similar.

Actually it's same.

Except maybe, you need to customize the shadow,whatever, too.

Now, if you want to have more layout manager,it's very easy these days.

You just go to github dot com.

You just type, android, maybe just RecyclerViewLayoutManager.

Now, you can see a lot of plug-ins that youcan just use.

So, maybe just test anyone.

Usually you can just gradle, copy the gradle.

That's enough.

You can see the same for, you don't have that.

But some other Github.

You can see, like that.

You can change it and maybe you can changeto something like this.

Let me just show you.

It's not mine but just look cool.

Just copy and you go to gradle and then, Syncnow.

And the code is very simple.

You just use this.

And then, this thing you've seen.

Just copy the whole thing.

Like this file, you want all manager.

So, what's the name of the Carousel? I don't know how to pronounce it.

This Carousel thing here.

You have to have the, the recycler view ofsmall, smaller than the user one.

Usually, when you put the RecyclerView here,put the whole screen, you want to change to something smaller.

I here, maybe want to change to 400 DP.

Okay, now done! Let's run it.

So, what's it going to be? What we call? Check back.

Now, you can scroll down here, you see.

It's not going to be very smooth and you cansee the chain.

It's just a good example now.

Maybe there's a maybe, you can cost much littlebit.

But the idea is that, even though you canhave only three layout managers from android RecyclerView.

But actually you can have more from GitHub.

So, just go there and explore it for yourself.

Okay, that's it for this video.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel.

And in the next video, I will talk about howto make something cooler.

I want to make something like this, like thislayout.

It has only one image but maybe on Facebook,some image have, some icons have three images and another one have two and another one havefive or four or one.

You can customize as well.

So, now, just please don't forget to subscribeand this is my Facebook page.

If you have any question, please, let me know.

If you don't want anyone to know your problem,just message me or even future, you want to share anything, just recommend.

Download the image and now, I'm going to dothe swift 3 on xcode.

If you like that, please don't forget to shareand like mention your friend here.

Now I want to say good bye and I will seeyou in next video.

Thank you!.

Thus Article Android Studio RecyclerView Step-by-Step Tutorial (Part 6) LayoutManager

That article Android Studio RecyclerView Step-by-Step Tutorial (Part 6) LayoutManager This time, hopefully we can give you all of the benefits. Well, I'll see you in another article post.

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